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Foto del escritorYVT.escribe


Actualizado: 24 jun 2019

1. Choose your thoughts

2. Journaling

3. Use the mirror affirmations

4. Focus on what you have through gratitude.

You are where you are because of what you think and what you say.

What do you think that will happen if you keep constantly saying negative things to yourself?

You will become more of what you’ve being saying.


Porque de la misma forma que funciona para atraer experiencias positivas también funciona negativamente.

La palabra tiene poder.

Dios creó todas las cosas usando la palabra y de esa manera nos dio poder de crear y destruir, puesto que fuimos hechos a su imagen y semejanza.

Si te dices cosas negativas obtendrás experiencias negativas, mas if you practice positive self-talk, you are going to experience positive results.

Do you want to accomplish your dreams?

Do you want to be happy?

Do you want more money?

Do you want to get out of debt?

Do you want to be a straight A’s student?

Start declaring that to yourself. You have control over your life and every situation that happen to you. You have the power to write your own story.

Take control over, now.

Here I am going to show you 4 ways to practice positive self-talk to make it easy.

1. Choose your thoughts

You have the authority to choose what you think of, be present, you cannot follow every thought that goes into your mind all day, but you can ask yourself every hour:

What am I thinking about?

Set up an alarm to remind yourself of asking this question. Set up a place that you often visit. It could be the bathroom, the bedroom or the gym. Just compromise yourself to think positive all the time your feet touch that place.

Why choosing good thoughts?

Because that’s the beginning of a positive conversation. If you have positive thoughts you are more prompt to have a positive conversation.

2. Journaling

You guys are going to laugh at me porque siempre estoy hablando de lo mismo. Lo que pasa es que practicar journaling es como mandar a tu mente al gym. Este es el lugar donde tu mente entrena. Why? Porque journaling es un ejercicio para moldear tus pensamientos. Simplemente toma una hoja de papel o una agenda y practica positive self-talk usando el tiempo presente.

Yo si puedo lograr mis sueños.

Yo puedo ir al gimnasio.

Yo puedo pagar mis cuentas en su totalidad.

Yo soy inteligente, yo soy productivo, yo me amo y me acepto tal cual soy.

Yo soy constante.

Yo si puedo.

Tu si puedes, yo creo en ti y se que puedes conseguirlo.

Tengo una historia graciosa con esto de las afirmaciones. Tiempo atrás, cada que visitaba un lugar concurrido, como un centro comercial o un mercado, nunca conseguía estacionamiento con facilidad. Fue entonces, cuando comencé a practicar la siguiente afirmación:

Siempre consigo un buen parqueo.

And guess what? There is always a good parquin space waiting for me.

Friend: that dream you have, that thing you want is already there waiting for you to believe it and affirm it.

3. Use the mirror to do affirmations.

When you practice you affirmations and positive self talk, use the mirror and look at yourself in the eyes.

This idea comes from the book: El poder del espejo por Louise Hay. Al principio puede resultar raro, pero es muy efectivo si eres constante.

Cada vez que te veas al espejo, recuerda practicar tus afirmaciones. Si puedes, también lleva contigo un espejo de bolsillo, y cada que tengas tiempo úsalo para realizar este ejercicio.

4. Focus on what you have.

Stop complaining and looking at the things that you are supposedly missing. It won’t take you closer to where you want to be.

For once in your life try something different, so you can experience if it really works or not.

You won’t know until you give it a try.

Focus on the good that you have accomplished so far. Look at your life from he outside.

Mira como has logrado llegar a donde estás actualmente. Celebra lo grande que eres. ¿Recuerdas cuando eres un bebe? Probablemente no, pero yo estoy aquí para recordarte. No naciste caminando, gateaste, caminaste y luego corriste y ahora mira como has crecido. ¿No es increíble?

Do you see the miracle?

I really hope this post can help you out, and I hope you do your mental exercise.

Remember to follow me on Instagram as @yvt.escribe

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