Hello friends, welcome to another morning blog. Today is currently July, Monday 18. We are two weeks away from a new month and what for some will be a new beginning. I noticed that we love reset routines, morning routines, reset your life and all that kind of content. The reason behind this could be that we love the feeling of start everything all over again because we have the idea that will change our life.
Nothing changes until you do. We have heard this phrase over the years, and it seems that we still do not understand it.
In order for your life to change you have to do it first. Take the step forward to do the necessary adjustments to reach a higher level in your life.

I have came up with this idea for you to live more purposely everyday. Take control of your days by challenging to accomplish one thing at a time for what is left of this month. I am here like always, to motivate you and inspire you to be the best version you can be.
This Challenge Name: 14 DAYS TO IMPROVE YOURSELF
The directions for this challenge are:
You are required to show up for yourself and practice this activities for the rest of the month. It is only 14 days starting today Monday, no excuses you ca do it.
You will practice one challenge every single day, and you will hold yourself accountable to it.
Tag me in social media if you end up doing it, so we can inspire each other out.
@yvt.escribe for Instagram and YVT.ESCRIBE// self development for pinterest.
MONDAY 18: Practice any workout that you prefer for at least 15 min.
TUESDAY 19: Drink two liters of water or more.
WEDNESDAY 20: Go for a walk in nature and be grateful for your surroundings.
THURSDAY 21: Sleep for 7 hours straight.
FRIDAY 22: Meditate for 30 minutes.
SATURDAY 23: Practice a deep skin care routine.
SUNDAY 24: Read 5 pages of a book or more.
MONDAY 25: Practice self love affirmations in the mirror.
TUESDAY 26: Wake up at 5 in the morning and do an early morning routine.
WEDNESDAY 27: De-clutter your closet.
THURSDAY 28: Journal about your emotions letting all out.
FRIDAY 29: Take yourself on a date.
SATURDAY 30: Write a gratitude list.
SUNDAY 31: Plan the new week with purpose.
I hope you find some motivation in this challenge, and stay tune for updates about it in social media if you are not following me yet i hope to see you there soon.
Have a beautiful week and enjoy your life everyday.